Family Matters: The Canadian Family and the State in the Postwar Period
"The Canadian Youth Commission," Canadian Welfare (15 June 1943), 12-3.
A. Beverley Baxter, "War Damages Family Life," Maclean's (15 May 1943), 14.
Advisory Committee on Reconstruction, Post-War Problems of Women: Final Report of the Sub-Committee (1944), 27-34
Antony Ferry, "Rosa Tremblay and her Seven Sets of Twins," Maclean's (28 September 1957), 19.
Bert Beaumont, "National Planning Needed for Canadian Children," Canadian Welfare (1 June 1943), 35-7
Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique (New York 1963), 11.
Brigitte Kitchen, "The Introduction of Family Allowances in Canada," The Benevolent State: The Growth of Welfare in Canada, 222-41 and "Wartime Social Reform: The Introduction of Family Allowances," Canadian Journal of Social Work Education 7, 1 (1981), 29-54
Bruce Findlay, "How Our Children Learned French In Spite of The School System," Maclean's (27 July 1963), 34-7.
C. E. Silcox, "Are Family Allowances Unconstitutional?," Saturday Night (7 October 1944), 10-11.
C. E. Silcox, Canada Must Choose: The Revenge of the Cradles (Toronto 1945)
C. E. Silcox, Must Canada Split? (Toronto 1944), 2, 4-5, 8, 3.
C. W. Topping, "The Equalitarian Family As A Fundamental Invention," Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science 8, 4 (1942), 595.
C.W. Topping, "The Equalitarian Family As A Fundamental Invention," 595-605.
Canada, A Preliminary Report oj'the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism: Preliminary Report (Ottawa 1965), 79-80.
Canadian Book Publishers Council, Toronto Public Hearing (30 March 1965), 1773.
Canadian Welfare, 32, 3 (15 September 1956).
Caroline Pestieau, "Women in Quebec," in Gwen Matheson (ed.) Women in the Canadian Mosaic (Toronto 1976), 57-69.
Charles Hobart, "Egalitarianism After Marriage: An Attitude Study of French- and English-speaking Canadians," in Marylee Stephenson (ed.) Women in Canada (Toronto 1973), 138-56
Charlotte Whitton, "Are Family Grants the Answer We Need?," Saturday Night (19 August 1944), 6-7
Charlotte Whitton, "Baby Bonus Plan Involves Waste and Duplication," Saturday Night (17 March 1945), 6-7
Charlotte Whitton, "Must Review Means as Well as Ways in Welfare Plans," Saturday Night (24 February 1945), 6
Charlotte Whitton, "Other Measures Are More Urgent Than Baby Bonus," Saturday Night (24 March 1945). 5
Charlotte Whitton, "The Baby Bonus is a Dog in the Security Manger," Saturday Night (3 March 1945), 6.
Charlotte Whitton, "The Baby Bonus is a Dog in the Security Manger," Saturday Night (3 March 1945). 6-7
Charlotte Whitton, "We're Off! To Social Security Confusion," Saturday Night (31 March 1945), 10
Charlotte Whitton, "Will Child Bonus Cripple Provincial Revenues?," Saturday Night (10 March 1945), 5
Charlotte Whitton, Canada Must Choose, Baby Bonuses: Dollars or Sense? (Toronto 1945)
Christina McCall Newman, "A Message from the Governor-General on The Canadian Conference on the Family," Canadian Welfare (May-June 1964) 97.
Christina McCall Newman, "Vanier's Legacy: The Biggest Family Bull Session in Canadian History," Maclean's (October 19, 1963). 3-4.
Colette Moreaux, "The French-Canadian Family," Philippe Garigue, "French-Canadian Kinship and Urban Life," and Ralph Piddington, "A Study of French-Canadian Kinship," in K. Ishwaran (ed.) The Canadian Family (Toronto 1971), 126-47
Community Arts Council of Vancouver, Vancouver Public Hearing (May 11, 1965), 1960-62
Cuthbert Brandt,'PigeonHoled and Forgotten,' 239-59.
Davidson, "Family Allowances: An Installment on Social Security, Part II," 7-10.
Denise Riley, "'The Free Mothers': pronatalism and working women in industry at the end of the last war in Britain," History Workshop l1 (Spring 1981), 59-118.
Dennis Guest, "World War II and the Welfare State in Canada," in Allan Moscovitch and Jim Albert (eds.) The Benevolent State: The Growth of Welfare in Canada, (Toronto 1987), 205-21.
Dominique Jean, "Family Allowances and Family Autonomy: Quebec Families Encounter the Welfare State, 1945-1955," in Bettina Bradbury (ed.), Canadian Family History: Selected Readings (Toronto 1992), 401-37
Dora Wilensky, "War's Impact on Family Life," Canadian Welfare (15 October 1945), 8-16.
Elizabeth Wilson, Women and the Welfare State (London 1977), 9.
F.N. Stapleford, "The Hazards of Peace," Canadian Welfare (15 October 1944), 3-9
Frank P. Fidler, "Spotlight on the Family," Food For Thought 14, 6 (March 1954), 2.
Frederick Elkin, The Family in Canada: An Account of Present Knowledge and Gaps in Knowledge About Canadian Families (Ottawa 1964). 64-72
G. C. Whittaker, "Ottawa's Pundits Shaking Heads Over Mr. King and Baby Bonus," Saturday Night (l July 1944), 10.
Gail Cuthbert Brandt, 'Pigeon-Holed and Forgotten': The Work of the Subcommittee on the Post-War Problems of Women, 1943, Histoire sociale/Social History 15, 29 (May 1982), 239.
Geoffrey Hewelcke, "Marriages Mended," Maclean's (15 November 1945), 7, 59.
George F. Davidson, "Family Allowances: An Installment on Social Security, Part II," Canadian Welfare (1 September 1944), 9.
George Kisker, "Why You Fight With Your Wife/Husband," Maclean's (1 August 1947). 7, 36-8
Gertrude Joch Robinson, "The Media and Social Change: Thirty Years of Magazine Coverage of Women and Work (1950-1977), Atlantis 8, 2 (Spring 1983), 87-111
Gould, Family Allowances, 1-2.
Gould, Family Allowances, 10-12.
Gould, Family Allowances, 9-10, 15-16
Ian McDonald, "Shotgun Wedding," Saturday Night (3 March 1962), 3.
J.L. Granatstein, Canada: The Years of Uncertainty and Innovation, 1957-1967 (Toronto 1986), 255.
James Struthers, No Fault of Their Own: Unemployment and the Canadian Welfare State, 1914-1941 (Toronto 1983).
Jane Beatty, "Carrot River Looks at Modern Marriage," Food For Thought 16,3 (December 1955). 104-08
Jane Ursel, Private Lives and Public Policy: 100 Years of State Intervention in the Family (Toronto 1992), 190-198.
Jean-Charles Falardeau, "Mariage de Raison," Food For Thought 10, 1 (October 1949), 34-8, 47.
John R. Seeley, R. Alexander Sim, and Elizabeth W. Loosley, Crestwood Heights: A Study of the Culture of Suburban Life (New York 1956).
K. Phyllis Burns, "What's Happening to Canada's Children?," Canadian Welfare (15 June 1955), 114-19
Kathleen M. Jackson, "Back to the Family," Canadian Welfare (15 January 1945), 25-30.
Kenneth McNaught, "It's Time to Talk Divorce With Quebec," Saturday Night (July 1965), 16.
Kenneth McRoberts, Quebec: Social Change and Political Crisis (Toronto 1988)
L'Alliance Canadienne, Quebec City Public Hearing (9 June 1965), 2697-2708
Leon Lebel, The Problem of The Large Family in Canada: Its Solution - Family Allowances (Montreal 1928).
Lillian D. Millar, "The Dollar Value of Canada's Housewives," Saturday Night (8 November 1947). 28-9.
M. Susan Bland, "Henrietta the Homemaker, and Rosie the Riveter: Images of Women in Advertising in Maclean's Magazine, 1939-50," Atlantis 8, 2 (Spring 1983), 61-86
Mae Fleming, "Family Allowances in Canada: Interim Report on its Effects," Canadian Welfare (1 December 1946), 11-12.
Margaret Gould, Family Allowances in Canada: Facts versus Fiction (Toronto 1945), 2-5.
Margaret McWilliams, "Women in the Post-War World," Canadian Welfare, 19, 8 (1 March 1944). 3-7, 37-40.
Mariana Valverde, "Representing childhood: The multiple fathers of the Dionne quintuplets," in Carol Smart (ed.) Regulating Womanhood: Historical Essays on Marriage, Motherhood and Sexuality (London 1992), 119-46
Marianna Valverde, "The Rhetoric of Reform: Tropes and the Moral Subject," International Journal of the Sociology of the Law 18, 1 (1990), 61-73.
Marie Lavigne, "Feminist Reflections on the Fertility of Women in Québec," in Roberta Hamilton and Michele Barrett (eds.), The Politics of Diversity (London 1986), 303-321.
Marjorie L. Moore, "Safeguarding the Family," Canadian Welfare (15 January 1949), 74-6
Marjorie L. Moore, "You Too Can Be a Perfect Parent," Maclean's (15 March 1951), 10-11,37
Max Braithwaite, "Born Out of Wedlock," Maclean's (15 November 1947), 16, 64-6.
Monica Boyd, "English Canadian and French-Canadian Attitudes Toward Women: Results of Canadian Gallop Polls," Journal of Comparative Family Studies 6, 2 (Autumn 1975), 153-169, 153
Mr. John Woodsworth, Vancouver Public Hearing (12 May 12, 1965), 2064
Muriel Duckworth, "Why Educate Parents?," Food For Thought (November 1951), 4-8
Opening Remarks of Mr. André Laurendeau, Ottawa Preliminary Hearing (7 November 1963), 7-12
P.T. Rooke and R.L. Schnell, No Bleeding Heart: Charlotte Whitton, a Feminist on the Right (Vancouver 1987).
Paul Popenoe, "First Aid for the Family," Maclean's (1 May 1947), 19,45, 47.
Pauline C. Shapiro, "World of Women: A Reply to A Sociologist," Saturday Night (2 August 1941), 19.
Peter Gzowski, "What Young French Canadians Have On Their Minds," Maclean's (6 April 1963). 21-23
Pierre de Bellefeuille, "A portrait of the Quebec the quiet revolution hasn't touched," Maclean's (2 September 1963), 18-19, 73-6.
Pierson, "They're Still Women After All," 20-21, 48-61.
R. H. Parkinson, "Ten Years of Family Allowances," Canadian Welfare (1 November 1955). 195-200.
Ruth Pierson, "They're Still Women After All" : The Second World War and Canadian Womanhood (Toronto 1986).
Ruth Pierson, 'Home Aide': A Solution to Women's Unemployment After World War II, Atlantis 2, 2 (Spring 1977), 85.
Sarnia Junior Chamber of Commerce, Toronto Public Hearing (30 March 1965), 1743-44
Silcox, "Are Family Allowances Unconstitutional?," 10-11.
Silcox, Canada Must Choose: The Revenge of the Cradles, 15
Silcox, Canada Must Choose: The Revenge of the Cradles, 18
Silcox, Canada Must Choose: The Revenge of the Cradles, 18-19 and Debates (25 July 1944), 5342, 5363-65
Silcox, Canada Must Choose: The Revenge of the Cradles, 19-22.
Silcox, Canada Must Choose: The Revenge of the Cradles, 2, 12-15, 27
Silcox, Canada Must Choose: The Revenge of the Cradles, 22, 26
Silcox, Canada Must Choose: The Revenge of the Cradles, v
Submission of Carleton University, Ottawa Public Hearing (l March 1965), 389-90.
Submission of Don Jamieson, president of The Canadian Association of Broadcasters, Ottawa Preliminary Hearing (7 November 1963), 40.
Submission of Dr. Creighton, Canadian Authors' Association, Halifax Public Hearing (14 June 1965), 2937-38.
Submission of L' Association Biculturelle de la Ville MontrBal, Ottawa Preliminary Hearing (8 November 1963), 419.
Submission of L' Association Biculturelle de la Ville de Montreal, 420.
Submission of L'Association Biculturelle de la Ville de Montréal, Ottawa Preliminary Hearing (8 November 1963), 420
Submission of M. J. Alphonse Ouimet, president of Radio-Canada, Ottawa Preliminary Hearing (7 November 1963), 30.
Submission of McGill University Graduate School of Business, Ottawa Preliminary Hearing (7 November 1963), 174.
Submission of McGill University, Montreal Public Hearing (15 March 1965), 804-05, 807.
Submission of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Findlay, Toronto Public Hearing (30 March 1965), 1719-42.
Submission of Mrs. H. Demorest, Vancouver Public Hearing, (ll May 1965), 2108.
Submission of Robert Thompson, Ottawa Preliminary Hearing (7 November 1963), 69,72.
Submission of Sir George Williams University, Montreal Public Hearing (17 March 1965): 1162.
Submission of Société Saint-Jean Baptiste de Montréal, Ottawa Preliminary Hearing, Ottawa, (7 November 1963), 46-7.
Submission of The B.C. Parent-Teacher Federation, Vancouver Public Hearing (ll May 1965), 2030-53.
Submission of The Canadian Association for Adult Education and of M.J. Alphonse Ouimet, president of Radio-Canada, Ottawa Preliminary Hearing (7 November 1963), 15, 32.
Submission of The Canadian Ethnic Press Federation, Winnipeg Public Hearing (17 May 1965), 2300-01.
Submission of The Canadian Foundation, Ottawa Preliminary Hearing (8 November 1963), 470, 473-474.
Submission of The Canadian Protestant League, Toronto Public Hearing (1 December 1965), 3533-34.
Submission of The Institute of the Canadian Ethnic Mosaic Confederation, Ottawa Preliminary Hearing (8 November 1963), 457.
Submission of The Manitoba Conference and Winnipeg United Church, Winnipeg Public Hearing (l8 May 1965), 2485-86.
Submission of The National Conference of Canadian Universities and Colleges, Ottawa Public Hearing (2 March 1965), 444.
Submission of The National Council of Women, Ottawa Preliminary Hearing (8 November 1963), 449.
Submission of The Student Christian Movement of Canada, Toronto Public Hearing (30 March 1965), 1609-12.
Submission of The United Church of Canada, Ottawa Preliminary Hearing (8 November 1963), 424.
Submission of The United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union, Vancouver Public Hearing (l2 May 1965), 2114.
Submission of The University Women's Club, Edmonton Branch, Edmonton Public Hearing (December 6, 1965), 4710
Submission of The University of Toronto, Department of Political Sciences, Ottawa Preliminary Hearing (8 November 1963), 353.
Submission of The University of Toronto, Department of Political Sciences, Ottawa Preliminary Hearing (8 November 1963). 349, 356.
Submission of the Board of Education, Welland, Ontario, Toronto Public Hearing (29 March 1965), 1448-49.
Submission of the Canadian League for Ukraine's Liberation, Toronto Public Hearing (3 December 1965), 3750.
Submission of the Montreal Catholic School Commission, Montreal Public Hearing (15 March 1965), 726.
Submission of the Montreal Star, Montreal Public Hearing (16 March 1965), 1109-10.
Submission of the University of Windsor, Toronto Public Hearing (29 March 1965), 1426.
Submission of the YWCA National Council, Ottawa Preliminary Hearing (7 November 1963), 375.
Submissions of Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Toronto Public Hearing (30 March 1965), 1704-05
Submissions of Mr. Ralph Stewart, Ottawa Prelirninary Hearing (8 November 1963), 520
Submissions of Sir George Williams University, Montreal Public Hearings (17 March 1965), 1159-1163
Submissions of The Alumnae Society of McGill University, Montreal Public Hearing (15 March 1965), 735-37
Submissions of The Canada Council, Ottawa Public Hearing (1 March 1965), 18
Submissions of The Estonian Central Council, Toronto Public Hearing (29 March 1965), 1452-1465
Submissions of The Royal Society of Canada, Ottawa Public Hearing (1 March 1965), 74
Submissions of the Montreal Star, Montreal Public Hearing (16 March 1965),1108-13
Susan Prentice, "Workers, Mothers, Reds: Toronto's Postwar Daycare Fight," Studies in Political Economy 30 (Autumn 1989), 11 5-41.
The Alumnae Society of McGill University, Montreal Public Hearing (15 March 1965), 728
The Anglican Church of Canada, Toronto Public Hearing (30 March 1965), 1635-36
The Association of Canadian Clubs, Montreal Public Hearing (17 March 1965), 1263
The Canadian Book Publishers Council, Toronto Public Hearing (31 March 1965), 1760-62
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Ottawa Public Hearing (l4 December 1965), 5232.
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Toronto Public Hearing (30 March 1965), 1704
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Toronto Public Hearing (30 March 1965), 1708-09
The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, Toronto Public Hearing (30 March 1965), 1668-69
The Canadian Youth Commission, Youth, Marriage and The Family (Toronto 1947), 37.
The Catholic Women's League, Ottawa Public Hearing (2 March 2 1965), 400-1.
The Community Arts Council, Vancouver Public Hearing (11 May 1965), 1958-59, 1968.
The Dominion Drama Festival, Ottawa Public Hearing (l March 1965), 88
The Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire, Toronto Public Hearing (30 March 1965), 1579
The Ukrainian National Federation. Toronto Public Hearing (29 March 1965), 1466-1501
The University of Windsor, Toronto Public Hearing (29 March 1965), 1427
Topping, "The Equalitarian Family As A Fundamental Invention," 602.
V. Lorne Stewart, "Family Breakdown," Canadian Welfare (15 June 1957), 59-64.
Veronica Strong-Boag, "Home Dreams: Women and the Suburban Experiment in Canada, 1945-60," Canadian Historical Review 72, 4 (December 1991), 471-504.
Vincent Massey, On Being Canadian (Toronto 1948), 29.
Voice of Women, Toronto Public Hearing (31 March 1965), 1877.
Wendy Michener, "Expo 67 To The Rescue," Saturday Night (January 1967), 24.
Whitton, "Are Baby Grants the Answer We Need?," 6.
Whitton, "Are Family Grants the Answer We Need?," 6-7
Whitton, Canada Must Choose, Baby Bonuses: Dollars or Sense, 35-39.
Whitton, Canada Must Choose, Baby Bonuses: Dollars or Sense? 1
Whitton, Canada Must Choose, Baby Bonuses: Dollars or Sense?, 14-17.
Whitton, Canada Must Choose, Baby Bonuses: Dollars or Sense?, 20-21.
Yvonne Mathews-Klein, "How they saw us: Images of Women in National Film Board Films of the 1940s and 1950s," Atlantis 4, 2 (1979), 20-33
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